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Music for Ukraine - Day 9

I first discovered tonight’s piece as a Christmas song. But it’s more than a celebration of Christmas, it’s a recognition of the coming of the Christ, the “Prince of peace,” so needed right now.

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

Bring Us Peace
Pamela Martin and Craig Courtney

Bring peace to each person and peace to each heart,
Bring peace to the loved ones from whom we’re apart.
Bring peace to each home and to husband and wife,
Bring peace to the families living in strife.

Prince of peace, Child of peace, bring us peace today.
Fill us with Your true gift of love for one another.
Prince of peace, Child of peace, bring us peace, we pray.

Bring peace between neighbors who live side by side,
Bring peace to each city, each village and tribe.
Bring peace between nations, peace near and afar.
Bring peace that will blossom wherever we are.

Peace for each morning, each step of the way,
Peace that remains at the end of the day.
Help us to see that for peace to begin,
First we must find our true peace from within.

Silent night.

Copyright 2007 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

This song is available from Beckenhorst Press only as a choral piece – www.beckenhorstpress.com