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Music for Ukraine - Day 7

Isn’t it wonderful how our recent Lesson-Sermons have given us such inspiration in thinking about the war in Ukraine? Amid all the news about civilian deaths, this week’s Lesson (April 4-10, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?") begins with “…Death has lost the battle!” And then, right away the Responsive Reading continues with the thought that it is God “who redeemeth thy life from destruction” – even after the human evidence of death.

Then there is the full text of the 23rd Psalm which so many turn to for the comforting thought that they can “walk through the valley of the shadow of death” and still be assured that they “will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” This morning I was thinking about all this and resolved to send you a setting of the 23rd Psalm – one that, to me, really embodies its spiritual message.

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Thomas Matthews

Copyright 1965 by H.T. FitzSimons Company

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

Search for “The Lord Is My Shepherd – Thomas Matthews” and you’ll find vocal (not choral) versions of this available from Walmart and eBay.