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Music for Ukraine - Day 5

Greetings to all who are standing guard on the mental realm – as I know is true of all of you receiving this message. The latest war news is truly horrific to human sense. From our perspective as Christian Scientists, we acknowledge that God is All and that he has all power, but when confronted by a contrary material picture, we need to be helped in holding to those facts by our study and prayer – and by a Scientific message like that in this old song.

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

Words by Jane Grey Syme
Music by William T. Pierson

There is no power but of God,
In space no subtle error creeps;
The height and breadth and depth of Mind
In all that we can know or find
From vaulted skies to Neptune’s deeps.

There is no power but of God,
He holds each atom in its place;
Through laws of Love that are divine
He conquers death, disease and time,
And fills with Life and Truth all space.

There is no power but of God,
He is all substance, action, cause.
He is all place, locality,
All wisdom, immortality,
And governs through eternal laws.

There is no power but of God
No evil that can harm or force
An idea of His loving mind,
Reflecting love to all mankind,
From out its sphere or natural course.

There is no power but of God,
Therefore His child need fear no ill;
His love in breadth and depth and height,
Encircling all with power and might,
Leaves naught in space to harm or kill.
There is no power but of God.

Copyright 1921 by W.T. Pierson & Co.

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

I can provide this music as a PDF by e-mail.