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Music for Ukraine - Day 3

Thank you for joining me during these troubling times, as we look to music – along with all the other resources available to us Christian Scientists – for inspiration to keep our thought on the right path and find the “peace of God.”

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

Come, Peace of God
Words by May Rowland; music by Eugene Butler

Come, peace of God, and dwell again on earth,
Come with the calm that hailed thy Prince’s birth,
Come with the healing of thy gentle touch,
Come, peace of God, that this world needs so much.

Break every weapon forged in fires of hate,
Turn back the foe that would assail thy gate;
Where fields of strife lie desolate and bare.
Take thy sweet flowers of peace and plant them there.

Bring selfish lives from shadowlands of loss
Into the radiance of the Savior’s cross,
Wherein that gift so precious, yet so lone,
Life finds its brotherhood and love its throne.

Come, blessed peace as when in hush of eve
God’s benediction falls on souls who grieve;
As shines a star when weary day departs,
Come, peace of God, and rule within our hearts.

Text Copyright 1935 by Whitmore and Smith (Abingdon Press)
Music Copyright 1966 by The Lorenz Publishing Company
Arrangement Copyright 1988 by The Sacred Music Press

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

I discovered the solo version of this piece in Sacred Songs: Nine Solos for Medium Voice by Dale Wood. I found it on SheetMusicPlus.com, though there may be other sources.