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Music for Ukraine - Day 27

When I first considered sending tonight’s song, I hesitated because it seemed somehow self-centered, when our concern should be for all those people who, to human sense, are suffering violence and fear – or experiencing loss and uncertainty at the hands of lies and oppression. Then it came to me that our real task (as always) rests in our own thinking, “right where I am.” Mrs. Eddy writes: “Every mortal must learn that there is neither power nor reality in evil” (S&H 186:15). So our great work is to deny evil and see “the majesty of right… in all its might.”

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

Right Where I Am
Words by Lillian F. Slade; music by Grace F. Snyder

Turning to God in prayer I find good everywhere.
I see God’s loving care right where I am.
All good has come to me, life, love and liberty.
His love broods over me right where I am.

Daily I pray for peace, that strife and terror cease,
From war I find release right where I am.
The majesty of right I see in all its might
When I turn toward the light right where I am.

God’s love will come to all when on His name we call
God governs me and all, right where I am.
Turning to God each day with loving thanks I’ll say
Now I have found the way right where I am.

Copyright 1952 by R.D. Row Music Co.

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

I have extra copies of this copyrighted music that I can send in high or low by postal mail.