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Music for Ukraine - Day 26

Tonight’s song was published in 1945 when World War II was coming to a close. I feel it represents, first, the yearning of those who seem to be in a difficult, even horrific situation. They long for something better, represented in the song as New Jerusalem. And that longing brings them to a higher sense, as they realize that where they really live, where they are at home, “there is no night there.”

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

Truly, There Is No Night There
Words by Joel Goldsmith; music by Edith Stearns

Long have I sought thee, O Jerusalem, long have I sought thee.
How near is the presence of thy spirit, O tender one and true, how near.
But only now have my pilgrim feet touched the soil of heaven.
The waste places are no more, fertile lands are before me, the like of which I had never dreamed.
Truly, there is no night there, for the glory of it shines as the noonday sun.
I will keep silence before thee, and my soul shall be thy dwelling place;
Thy spirit shall fill my meditation, and it shall make me and preserve me whole.
O, thou tender one and true, I am home in thee.

Copyright 1945 by Edith Stearns

Accompaniment by Tom Barr.

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