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Music for Ukraine - Day 19

Tonight’s song is a wonderful illustration of man’s birthright of safely and peace. It’s something we hold to, not only for those threatened in Ukraine, but for the refugees, their hosts, the Russians (even the soldiers) – and all who yearn for – and deserve – a reliable sense of security.

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

Stanley Jackson

In perfect Love, his dwelling true,
Man’s ways are sure defined.
Love all-encircling, ever new,
Is his eternal Mind.

His ways are ways of pleasantness,
By waters still they guide.
They lead to realms of blessedness
Where joy and peace abide.

In Spirit’s radiance he moves,
No human want is there;
Heeding the voice of Truth he proves
God’s presence everywhere.

In perfect Love, where all is well,
Man walketh undefiled.
In safety ever doth he dwell.
He is God’s perfect child.

Copyright 1959 by Stanley Jackson

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

The only way I know to obtain this piece is to request a copy from the sole distributor, Carl Fischer. This piece is out of print, so the request for a copy begins on this page: www.carlfischer.com/licensing/photocopying