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Music for Ukraine - Day 13

Here we are again, with another opportunity to celebrate peace, which is, after all, a spiritual idea: irresistible and among the qualities which belong to absolutely every one of us – when the mist of mortal error clears away.

I’m sure many of our churches have recently scheduled (or will soon schedule) Hymn 236 for one of their services. Here is a new setting.

Dick Frantzreb

(Left-click to play or right-click to download)

O Peace of the World
Words by Irving C. Tomlinson; music by Nicholas P. Schliapin

O peace of the world, O hope in each breast,
O Bethlehem star that ages have blest,
A day of fresh promise breaks over the land,
Gaunt warfare is doomed, and God's kingdom at hand!

From cannon and sword shape tillers of soil,
No more let dire hate man's spirit despoil,
Let Truth be proclaimed, let God's love be retold,
That men of good will may their brethren uphold.

As stars in their courses never contend,
As blossoms their hues in harmony blend,
As bird voices mingle in joyful refrain,
So God's loving children in concord remain.

Our God is one Mind, the Mind we adore;
Ineffable joy His love doth outpour;
Let nations be one in a union of love,
God's bountiful peace, all earth's treasures above.

Words copyright 1932, renewed 1960, by The Christian Science Board of Directors
Music copyright 2008 by Nicholas P. Schliapin

Accompaniment by Tom Barr

This was published in Schliapin’s Solo Settings of Hymns, Vol. 4, published by Wordlight Music. This volume and the individual sheet music are currently unavailable.