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Missing Composers and Publishers as of 3/4/22

Music from 1925 and earlier is in the public domain, and may be freely copied and distributed.  But that leaves many decades of CS solo music that is under copyright but permanently out of print.  I would like to be able to distribute this music, but with publishers out of business and composers untraceable even with the help of the Internet good music will languish in my files because it remains protected by copyright.  To hopefully break through this obstacle, I'm building a list of people for whom I'd like to find heirs and rights holders.  Please read the descriptions below, and help me with any information you can provide on the individuals, their heirs, the publishers or current rights holders.  Send your information to me, Dick Frantzreb, at info@vocal-works.com.
Ernest Barnum
Around 1973 Ernest (Ray) Barnum, (I believe of Little Rock, AR) published 2 cassettes of his own compositions, presumably for a CS audience.  They were titled "Life" and "Dearly Beloved," and he also published sheet music for the 16 titles on these cassettes.  I have 13 of the sheet music titles, and I'd like to get permission to distribute his music, which I find innovative, dramatic and Scientific.  Any information on Barnum's heirs or how I could get copies of the cassettes?  (6/24/19)
Richard M. Moore
I have one of this man's compositions, a manuscript copy of his setting of Godfrey John's Poem, "True Security" from the June 11, 1955 Christian Science Sentinel.  The handwritten copyright date on the music is 1986.  I heard that Moore was a practitioner and that he passed on in the last several years, though I have no idea where he lived.  Besides a lead to his heirs, I'd like to know whether he registered the copyright for "True Security" and whether the music was ever actually published beyond the manuscript form that I acquired.  I'd also like to know if he composed anything else.  (6/24/19)
Irene Willett
I have a single composition of hers, "In the Quiet of My Mind."  It's in manuscript form with a handwritten copyright date of 1988.  Willett is noted as lyricist and composer, and the arrangement was by Charles M. Lonnberg.  To me, it's an excellent composition, very suitable for church, but I'd like to confirm its publication status, and see whether she composed anything else.  It's possible that she (or Lonnberg) is from the Evanston, IN area.  (6/24/19)