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Early Voices-Summaries

Here is a work in progress of summaries of the segments in the Early Voices recordings.  Hopefully, they will help you find a segment that you want to listen to again or choose which to listen to next.  The summary below is the first of many for the Merriman addresses.  Summaries of all the Kilpatrick addresses are covered below. 

Josiah C. Merriman, CSB

All and Nothing by Josiah C. Merriman, CSB

  1. Dedication to the work of gaining an understanding of God is the key to handling animal magnetism. Mrs. Eddy’s comments about her writings; importance of study. The Sermon on the Mount as the essence of Christian Science. “Unity of Good.”
  2. The benefits of studying the Platform.
  3. Steadfastness. Controlling thought is the key to harmonious experience. Persistence in practice; the importance of deep, systematic study.
  4. Animal Magnetism. “Handling “ vs. “destroying.” Recognizing the nothingness of AM, evil, and all error. AM as a lie about the truth.
  5. Divine Love rescues us at times of extreme need. Proving the unreality of evil (AM) by recognizing the allness of God. Antagonism between flesh (evil) and Spirit. Evil as nothing but a negation that, as the negative, ultimately proves the positive. Learning the truth of being through the reversal of error.
  6. Dreams. The parallels between the waking and the sleeping dream, both of which are unreal. Accidents. An accident is nothing more than a belief of mortal mind. God maintains perfect control of all.  Pressure. The forward progress of the Christian Scientist and the obstacles to that progress.
  7. Death. No reality in death. Resisting the belief of death. Jesus’ sacrifice. Steps to abandoning materiality.
  8. Uncovering error. Challenging our thinking. Claiming our oneness with God. Seeing all good without limitation. Undoing the errors of materiality. Refusing to identify oneself with a claim.
  9. Disease is a lie about the truth. It’s an hypnotic belief. Describing disease is never helpful. Demonstrating instantaneous healing. Keys to having a successful practice. No case is hopeless. Recognizing everyone’s oneness with God. Justice for all
  10. Christian Scientists must be workers. Warning against too much entertainment. Appreciation of the Monitor. Claiming dominion over every aspect of one’s life. Expressing motion as the reflection of Mind. Recognizing God as filling all space. Time and space are expressions of material sense and not part of the truth of being. The immanence of divine Science.

Christian Science Is the Universal Panacea by Josiah C. Merriman, CSB

  1. Appreciation of Mrs. Eddy and her writings; the significance of CS; our path to spiritual growth; the divine origin of S&H
  2. Importance of and highlights from the Platform; the “All-inclusiveness of Mind” (Everything we experience is via consciousness). “Realization and Unfoldment” (All that is real is here now and is good.)
  3. “Omnipresent Health” (Health is the reality; disease is a lie, not something to be eradicated, but something to be disbelieved.); “Sovereign Panacea” (Christ, Truth as revealed in CS is the answer to every sin or disease.)
  4. The immediate availability to each of us of our sovereign panacea; demonstrating with confidence. “Animal Magnetism” (handling AM without giving it reality).
  5. “Malicious Mental Malpractice” (impossibility of transfer of evil thoughts from one person to another; criticism as malpractice); “Death and Age” (the mental atmosphere that leads to death; insulating thought against aging and death).
  6. Treating aging like a disease and rejecting its suggestions; demonstrating longevity. “Treatment and Practice” (treatment as watching; preventing disease; disease not a thing but a false hypnotic sense).
  7. Working with patients, principles of treatment. Having two minds is the fundamental issue in every case. It is Truth that heals.
  8. “Epidemic” (Too much talk about disease; epidemic is merely hypnotic suggestion; don’t fear it or give it reality; let good be contagious).
  9. “Eyes” Every claim that something is “wrong “ with the eyes is misleading because Mind’s creation is never less than perfect. We’re dealing with consciousness, not a “thing” or a place in the body. There is no “history” or cause of a claim. Sight is an uninterruptible sense of Soul that has nothing to do with the eyes. We must treat every claim regarding sight as a hypnotic suggestion for which we have the sovereign panacea.

William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

All Being Is Consciousness by William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

  1. Right thought connects us with God and destroys every error; The nature of ideas.
  2. Expressing the ideas that originate in God and claiming their power; working to allow the spiritual to replace the mortal in human consciousness.
  3. Matter and its limitations of time, place, and space is created by the human consciousness. Hypnotism illustrates how mortal mind creates material conditions. Animal magnetism explains the mental nature of the material; it’s a state of hypnotism that we can accept or reject.
  4. God could not create anything unlike himself, so that which is contrary to his nature does not exist. What appears as material existence is just a dream or unconsciousness from which we awake by accepting truth. We don’t have to eliminate the material because it doesn’t exist. Our only work is to know God, Truth.
  5. It’s a mistake to outline or work metaphysically for a particular objective because we would be accepting mortal mind’s argument that the unreal is real. The true course is to let the Christ reveal the present perfection of God’s creation and the unreality of matter.
  6. By accepting the carnal (mortal) mind into our consciousness, it not only allows us to see inharmony but to experience it. What we experience in our body, home or business is not determined by outside influences, including the actions of others. We experience what we hold in thought or consciousness, reflecting mortal mind or our spiritual understanding.
  7. True joy; negative thoughts and motives of all kinds are reflected in our experience. Willingness to follow the leadings of divine Mind must supersede human will. We can’t help but think, and our thoughts, mortal or divine, will determine our experience.

Healing Is in Individual Consciousness by William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

  1. Solving the problems of the world (e.g. WWII) is accomplished in individual consciousness
  2. After the change called death
  3. Why those who have passed through the experience of death can’t communicate with the living but can communicate with others who have passed through
  4. Overcoming the material in individual human consciousness through the acceptance of spiritual ideas
  5. The spiritual identity of animals; summary thoughts

Infinity and True Humanhood by William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

  1. The concept of infinity as it applies to man’s reflection of God
  2. Human consciousness and the acceptance of limitation
  3. The innocence of the human body before acceptance of the influence of the carnal mind
  4. Clearing the human consciousness of mortal beliefs
  5. Human progress is in individual, not collective consciousness
  6. A deeper understanding of death
  7. The second death

Man God Sustained by William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

  1. Man is not separated from God, and under the influence of a human mind over which he has no control. Yet all our work in Christian Science has to do with the human mind or consciousness, purging it of evil influences. Healing in Christian Science has nothing to do with matter or material conditions; it is the coming of the Christ to human consciousness.
  2. True humanhood is a sinless state to which we are all trying to return. Its only error is limitation. Human troubles come from the admission of the carnal or mortal mind into consciousness And though those troubles may seem to involve people and influences outside of us, they exist in our own consciousness, and that is where they must be overcome. God sustains man. It is not man’s responsibility. Our work is to get the human self out of the way.
  3. Man’s body is spiritual and sustained by God. And as a spiritual reflection of God, his life is not based on organs or the faculties and functions of matter. The true understanding of body gives freedom from allergies. It is the purification of consciousness that leads to instantaneous healing.

Our Right to True Individualism by William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

  1. Right thinking links us to the Christ and to God’s omnipotence
  2. Demonstrating length of days
  3. Human consciousness
  4. Each human consciousness creates its own experience
  5. Transforming human experience through expression of the spiritual
  6. When human consciousness accepts the carnal or mortal mind; the “trial”
  7. Protecting ourselves from the errors others thoughts are creating for themselves; weather
  8. Claiming abundance
  9. Government; spiritual mindedness defeats hidden evil influences

The Practice of Christian Science by William D. Kilpatrick, CSB

  1. We live in a world of our own creating. There is nothing outside of consciousness that we can be cognizant of. To the extent our thinking is God-inspired, our experience is beautiful and harmonious. Matter itself does not exist apart from the thought we entertain of it. We heal sickness by correcting the thought which endows matter with power.
  2. Recognizing matter as the effect of thought does not spiritualize matter. It helps us see that matter does not exist and heals false material conditions. We resolve things into thoughts so that false thoughts can be exchanged for spiritual reality. In practicing CS, we do not treat matter or mortal mind. We put in their place the truths of spiritual being. We must guard against the thought that there are two: mortal man and spiritual man. We don’t heal an imperfect mortal; we see the spiritual, perfect man as the only man there is.
  3. Dealing with beliefs of heredity; dealing with unemployment, business troubles or financial problems.  The key to healing all problems is controlling the suggestions of mortal mind. We’re not dealing with matter because it doesn’t exist; we’re dealing with thought.
  4. The premise of man’s perfection in CS practice; man is a compound idea, the full expression of Mind and no part of him is material. Generic man and individual man; our identity is an individual expression of the qualities of divine Mind.
  5. Love or any right idea is expressed in thinking but originated in Mind. We unite with God by accepting love and other right ideas into our thinking. And we separate ourselves from God by accepting unloving or erroneous thoughts. How do we understand mortal man as the counterfeit of the real man? First, God has no part in or knowledge of mortal man. The perfect man couldn’t be a model for mortal man. Therefore we err by saying there is a spiritual idea of stomach or of a car or of a house behind those material objects. Better to say that in place of every physical object there is a perfect spiritual idea with no connection to the material.
  6. There are not spiritual organs corresponding to material organs. We treat such cases by knowing that man is a complete expression of Mind, reflecting all right ideas. Every function or faculty of man is controlled by Mind. Matter is not the problem because there is no matter. Nothing we perceive through the physical senses is spiritual because spiritual ideas can never be associated with matter. In reality, there is no counterfeit creation; there is only man and the universe created spiritually and perfect.