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A Concert for Truth

I have been especially inspired by the Lesson-Sermon for January 26,2025 on "Truth."  It has moved me to collect just a few of the many solos in the Solo Bank that can serve as musical footnotes to ideas in this Lesson.
Click here to play all 6 songs in sequence (27 minutes), or play them individually by clicking on their titles.  Each will open in a new window so that you can follow along with the words.

I Have Chosen the Way of Truth
Words from Psalm 119:30-37; music by Craig Courtney

I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on Your laws.
I hold fast to Your statutes, O Lord, my God; let me not be put to shame.
I run in the path of Your commands, for You have set my heart free.
Teach me to follow Your decrees, O Lord, and I shall keep them to the end.
Turn my heart to Your decrees, away from worthless gain.
Preserve my life according to Your Word.
I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on Your laws.
Lead me in the path of Your commands, for there will I find delight.

In Psalm Settings of Craig Courtney, from Beckenhorst Press, www.beckenhorstpress.com)
(© Copyright 1999 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc.)

Truth and Love
Words and music by Carolyn Kardinal

Wake now, dear child of God. Open your eyes.
Leave all the dreaming and believing error’s lies.
Hold to Truth’s mighty rock that shelters from the storm.
Where Love is the Master, you’re secure and warm.
Let your sorrows go. Let the Truth set you free.
In Truth and in Love you’ll find harmony.
Though the storm may rage, and though cold winds blow,
You’re safe in the light of Truth and Love. Let your sorrows go.

Peace now, beloved one. It’s time to realize.
Truth gives the victory and freedom’s the prize.
No harm can enter; no enemy within.
Love lets you leave the past so a new day can begin.
Let your sorrows go. Let the Truth set you free.
In Truth and in Love you’ll find harmony.
Though the storm may rage, and though cold winds blow,
You’re safe in the light of Truth and Love. Let your sorrows go.

Love is all around you like the eagle’s sheltering wing.
Truth lifts you far above error’s cruel sting.
Let your sorrows go. Let the Truth set you free.
In Truth and in Love there is liberty.
Though the storm may rage, and though cold winds blow,
You’re safe in the light of Truth and Love. Let your sorrows go.
Let the Truth set you free.

© Copyright 2005 by Carolyn Kardinal
Available from Watchfire Music, Inc., www.watchfiremusic.com

Words by Mary Baker Eddy; music by Robert Collister

Beyond the clouds, away in the dim distance,
Lay a bright and golden shower.
At sunset’s radiant hour,
Like to the soul’s glad immortality,
Making this life divine,
Making its waters wine,
Giving the glory that eye cannot see.
In God there is no night,
Truth is eternal light,
A help forever near;
For sinless sense is here
In Truth, the Life, the Principle of man.
Away, then, mortal sense!
Then, error get thee hence,
Thy discord ne’er in harmony began!!

Immortal Truth, since heaven rang,
The while the glad stars sang
To hail creation’s glorious morn
As when this babe was born,
A painless heraldry of Soul, not sense,
Shine on our wildered way,
Give God’s idea sway.

And sickness sin, and death are banished hence.
In God there is no night, Truth is eternal light.

© Copyright 2005 by Whispering Chimes Music
Available from Watchfire Music, Inc., www.watchfiremusic.com

Stand Firm with God
Music by Jean Sibelius, arr. by Beth Miller; source of lyrics unknown

Stand firm with God against all that is evil.
His voice alone our consciousness to fill
Evil must fall before the light of Truth
For God is all and can we ask for more?
Stand firm with God against all that is evil.
His voice alone our consciousness to fill
Draw nigh to God, His law alone obey.
Walk in His love and sin will flee away
There is no room in Love for ought but good.
The law of Love will heal and bless each day.
Stand firm with God, your mission is to heal
Hear only Truth and only know the real.
Stand firm with God; resist all that is evil.
His voice alone our consciousness to fill.

Available from Vocal Works

Let Justice Roll On Like a River
Text adapted from the Bible; music by April Brahinsky

Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.
Truth shall spring out of the earth;
The Lord shall give that which is good;
And all nations shall glorify Thee.
Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.
God is our Rock, His work is perfect:
A God of truth, just and right is He.
For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver,
The Lord is our king; He will save us.
Thus saith the Lord: I will overturn, overturn it:
And it shall be no more until he come whose right it is.
Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.
Truth shall spring out of the earth;
The Lord shall give that which is good;
And all nations shall glorify Thee.
Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.
God is our Rock, His work is perfect:
A God of truth, just and right is He.

© Copyright 2019 by April Brahinsky
Available from Watchfire Music, Inc., www.watchfiremusic.com

Let the Heavens Rejoice
Words from the Bible; music by Frank La Forge

Let the heavens rejoice! Sing, sing unto the Lord, all the earth!
Sing unto the Lord, bless His name; show forth His salvation from day to day.
Honor and majesty are before Him. Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.
Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad.
Let the field be joyful and all that is therein:
Then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice before the Lord.
For He cometh to judge the world with righteousness,
And the people with His truth.

© Copyright 1953 by G. Schirmer, Inc.
Original (used) copies available from Vocal Works