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Carl Fischer Music

Music Publisher

Carl Fischer Music.  This firm has either published or holds the rights to much of the solo music performed in Christian Science churches over the past century.
Ordering Sheet Music with a "Y" Code in the Solo Bank
  1. The price of a single copy (PDF, via e-mail) will probably be between $14 and $17.

  2. To order music from Carl Fischer, it is best to have their catalog number.  You may call or email Dick Frantzreb (916/781-2900, frantz@vocal-works.com) for that number.

  3. Before going online to order, be sure you have the following:
    - Title
    - Composer
    - Preferred range
    - The Fischer catalog number

  4. Go to this online address:  https://www.carlfischer.com/licensing/photocopying

  5. On that page, answer "No," i.e. you do not have a copy of the music you are inquiring about, and choose that you are requesting one copy.

  6. On the next page, you enter your name and contact information.

  7. On the next page you enter the key information about the music.

  8. After you click "Submit," you will get an email acknowledgment of your request.

  9. Then after a week or so you will get a confirmation of the availability of the music along with the price and asking if you would like to proceed with your order.

  10. After you confirm, you will get an invoice, which you can pay by check or credit card.

  11. Once payment is received, they will send you a PDF of the music by e-mail, with a caveat that the PDF is for your use only and not to be distributed.