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A Few Words About
"The Psalms of David:  Safety and Security"

The Psalms has been one of mankind's greatest treasures for thousands of years.  In it is recorded some of the Bible's most precious instruction, some of its most beautiful insights into the relationship between God and man.  In particular, the beautiful and inspired wording of the King James Version of The Psalms has become so integral a part of our culture and of our individual lives that we instinctively recall its text in times of need.

The idea of recording readings from The Psalms occurred to me nearly a year before this project came to fruition.  I felt that many people might benefit from hearing these wonderful thoughts while driving, while doing chores, while going off to sleep.  So I studied The Psalms carefully, noting the various themes and highlighting the most inspiring citations.  It became quickly apparent that God's protection of man was a key theme, and that is the main thrust of the verses in this collection, though the ideas of "praise" and "redemption" or "salvation" are also well represented.

To make these readings easier to listen to and to give the listener time to reflect, the citations are divided into 13 groups, each lasting about 4 to 5 minutes, and each preceded with a brief musical selection.

This is the first of what will be at least a 2-part series of readings from The Psalms.

– Dick Frantzreb